Source code for intake_pcap.source

from glob import glob

from intake.source import base
from . import __version__

[docs]class PCAPSource(base.DataSource): """ Load PCAP data Supports either .pcap file format (e.g., as produced by TCPdump) or reading live from an interface. """ name = 'pcap' version = __version__ container = 'dataframe' partition_access = True def __init__(self, urlpath, metadata=None, **pcap_kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- urlpath: str or None If a path, will load files; can contain glob character, in which case each file will become a partition of the source pcap_pars: can include interface: where to pull live data from, e.g., eth0 chunksize: in live mode, how big the parts will be protocol: to filter live data by protocol payload: whether to include only metadata in each row, or full bytes data """ self._live = not bool(urlpath) self._urlpath = urlpath self._interface = None if 'interface' in pcap_kwargs: self._interface = pcap_kwargs['interface'] self._chunksize = pcap_kwargs.get('chunksize', 100 if self._live else -1) self._protocol = pcap_kwargs.get('protocol', None) self._payload = pcap_kwargs.get('payload', False) self._pcap_kwargs = pcap_kwargs self._streams = None self._stream_class = None self._stream_sources = None super(PCAPSource, self).__init__(metadata=metadata) def _create_stream(self, src): return self._stream_class(src, self._protocol, self._payload) def _get_schema(self): if self._schema is None: if self._live: from .stream import LiveStream self._stream_class = LiveStream self._stream_sources = [self._interface] else: from .stream import OfflineStream self._stream_class = OfflineStream self._stream_sources = sorted(glob(self._urlpath)) stream = self._create_stream(self._stream_sources[0]) dtypes = dict(stream.dtype) self._schema = base.Schema(datashape=None, dtype=dtypes, shape=(None, len(dtypes)), npartitions=len(self._stream_sources), extra_metadata={}) return self._schema def _get_partition(self, i): self._get_schema() df = load_stream(self._stream_class, self._stream_sources, self._protocol, self._payload, self._chunksize) return df
[docs] def to_dask(self): import dask.delayed import dask.dataframe as dd self._get_schema() dload = dask.delayed(load_stream) parts = [dload(self._stream_class, s, self._protocol, self._payload, self._chunksize) for s in self._stream_sources] return dd.from_delayed(parts)
[docs] def read(self): return self.to_dask().compute()
def _close(self): self._streams = None self._stream_class = None self._stream_sources = None
def load_stream(c, source, protocol, payload, chunksize): return c(source, protocol, payload).to_dataframe(n=chunksize)